SMAS of Almada are an example in Document dematerialization
To contribute in becoming the municipality of Almada “More” Sustainable, Friendly and Eco-Efficient is a goal determined by the Serviços Municipalizados de Água e Saneamento (SMAS), a portuguese municipal service of water and
sanitation. This entity, which has been ensuring water supply, waste water collection and treatment, and drainage of rainwater of the council of Almada, for more than six decades now, works to guarantee the satisfaction of costumers’ needs, the sustainability of both the organization and the environment and, as so, it invests in the usage of solutions capable to automate and simplify work processes and procedures. That is why they are an example on the usage of the Document and Process Management System of IPBRICK, whose management is entirely ensured by SMAS of Almada and that, at the moment, has already implemented over 300 web forms for several processes. Between the several used processes, in SMAS of Almada stand out: Received Letters/Expedient; Sent Circular Letters; Inspection Invoicing; Approval of Operational Scales; Request for Sampling Collection/Samplings; Services Communications and they also use the Meetings Module to manage the meetings of the Board of Administration.