Be a part of the Unified Communications future
With IPBRICK’s “telephone center” you have four ways of communication at your disposal – Voice, Videoconference, Chat and Email. The time when you had to dial someone’s phone number is over now! With IPBRICK.UCoIP, the four ways of communication are easily accessible through a click, without having to memorize phone extensions or emails.
You only need to choose the person with whom you wish to communicate, searching by name or department, and you can easily start a conversation.
If you still wish to stay linked to the past, but with one foot in the future, you can always connect your phones to the telephone center and continue to communicate in an old fashion way. You can still click in the telephone icon of the person that you wish to contact and place the call on your phone.
Does it really make sense to keep using your old phone when you can make calls, videocalls, videoconference, send instant messages and emails, everything through a computer or a tablet (at just one click away)?
If you still have doubts that the Unified Communications solution of IPBRICk is going to put your company one step ahead in corporate communications, just watch the video and ask for an account to try the solution!